Monday, 6 August 2012

The Daytrotter Sessions

I forgot to introduce you to Daytrotter, didn't I? I suck. You see, too much has been going on and I've not been inspired musically wise lately, so the blog has been ditched...for like a month. But I'm back you see, and I'm Smokinnnnnnnn'
OK so I've been watching clips from The Mask, sue me. I love Jim Carrey. (When are they gonna bring that movie out on DVD????!!!! Makes. No. Sense.)
Daytrotter is your new best friend. It will introduce to bands you've never heard of, give you the bands that you love, and will even make you love the bands you loath. It's that good. Daytrotter basically invite bands and artists to come into their studio and play live sessions. These sessions are recorded and then are offered to members (or if you join now, I think you'll get a free trial, which is what I did and basically downloaded as much as possible before my trial ended.)
These sessions are amazing. Not only do these bands come in and sing and play live as though you were hearing them at a concert, they play oldies :) You know, those songs that you haven't heard in agggeeeesssss... maybe they don't play them live any more, or perhaps they can't simply do them on stage at a gig but only in a studio. It's simple cool.
One of the artists that came in and recorded was Ingrid Michaelson. Now I wasn't a huge fan before, and I'm still not really but her live rendition of 'Die Alone' is too good to pass up. 

So here it is. 

Next up is Grizzly Bear. I LOVE Grizzly Bear. I don't even know how I came about them or heard of them but I did and I'm so happy I did. Their song 'Shift', on their album 'Horn Of Plenty' actually freaked me out to be honest. I loved the lyrics but the sound on it just scared me. (You can lol it's all right.) Then I heard a different version on this video somebody made (before Blue Valentine came out. I only just realised it was in that movie after searching youtube) and it was so beautiful and just SO much better, I thought. Then came along Daytrotter's. 

Yes, Grizzly Bear did a session and played this alternative version.

So beautiful. 

Oh my GOD. It's just so amazing every time I listen to it. 

I could give you more (yes, more Laura Marling) but I need you to go and discover it and have fun, it's just so good. Also, while we're at it
Marcus Foster did a live session back in June and Daytrotter still haven't put it up on their website. So what I want you to do is go bug the shit out of them, ask them where the hell it is and why on earth it's not up yet??!! Seriously, it was so amazing. I listened to this session live, YES you can tune in and listen to it being recorded live, listen as they fuck up and have to start again and again. It's so beautiful! Dooooo it. Do it now! 
But yeah as I was saying, Marcus Foster did 3 (I think) amazing songs which blew me away and I NEED it. So go bug them. If you click on the links above, it will take you to their twitter pages! 

That's all I'm giving you tonight folks. It's 3am. I'm tired and cranky. I'll do another post in the next couple of days (or tomorrow maybe).

I'll go find some music and get back to you!



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