Monday, 20 August 2012

Fright Night (2011)

Hola Amigos!!!

Greetings. I'd like to thank Daytrotter for the (most likely) unintentional promotion of my last blog post by re-tweeting me, but then again I did essentially promote them. Daytrotter still rules by the way, but you haven't been nagging them, have you??! Because the Marcus Foster session STILL ISN'T UP! It makes me sad. You have no idea just how amazing it was... And we'll never frikking know unless they PUT IT UP!

Anyway, back at the ranch.

I bought Fright Night on DVD. 'Cause it was £3. Can you say bargain? I watched it at the cinema when it came out last year and was surprised that I actually liked it. It's quite funny and very cheesy... It's not a great movie though. It's a popcorn movie, lets face it.

BUT the BEST thing about this movie, besides Colin Farrell, is it's soundtrack. That's why we're here, right?

The song in the credits is by and far the BEST song out of the lot and is so amazing that I completely wore it out last year when I first heard it and now I can barely listen to it. Up until last month, this song was still on my mix CD for my car, that's how awesome it is. Ten months of plays. Seriously, I never been that faithful. And screw Jay Z, who came up with the lyrics and whatnot, this is the ultimate version.
By country/blues singer, Hugo, here is '99 Problems'.

Next up is a song that's played in the beginning of the movie, just after the opening sequence. I absolutely love this song and this guys voice is niiice. Very Bob Dylan, and who the f*ck doesn't love Bob Dylan. 
Alexander - Bad Bad Love 

Next up and last of today because I've got more songs I want to introduce you to another time, is The Blue Van with 'I'm a Man'. Yeah I pretty much just love the guitar in this but listen out for the saxophone solo!

I won't put any more up but I am going to give you some links for some of the other tracks which are frikking awesome. Check them out.

Young The Giant - Cough Syrup
Lupe Fiasco - Letting Go
Kid Cudi - No One Believes Me

Seriously there's more I could put here but I can't find them on Youtube so here is the track listing from the soundtrack. 

I'm out.
Enjoy the songs! 


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